Monday, January 9, 2012

Operation: Get my butt back...into shape

You see, I didn't plan on getting pregnant in May 2011. I defiantly didn't plan on getting pregnant with TWINS. But, alas, the test said PREGNANT and the ultrasound said TWINS. I had spent the previous 6 months getting up at 6 am to work out, and then doing 30 day shred at night...and logging my food intake to have some sort of "accountability." I didn't lose a dang pound once I hit 155. Thus, this blog became lost in the dust of forgotten blogs. Yes, I may not have been able to ever hit that "145" goal I've had for the last DECADE, but I am fairly positive all my hard work was not in vain. I started my pregnancy at 158 and ended about 188. Not bad for twins 37 weeks 3 days right? I am now 6 weeks post birth, and the babies are doing great! Between logging miles to the NICU and pumping out gallons of milk, I dropped those 30 pounds in the first 3 weeks. I am weighing in about 160-162, depending on how full my milk supply is at the time. However, I am suffering from lose skin and the milk supply is dropping, which means that it's time to start toning, and working out, before I start expanding again.

Current plan-30 day shred. I got new 8 pound weights for Christmas. I asked for 5s but they were all sold out. So, we'll see if i can jump right in at 8. I hope to update this weekly with numbers. But we'll see how that goes ;) I'd like to say that I'd do this workout everyday-but let's get real. I have 4 kids. 2 infants. a 2 year old. and a 5 year old. WHY AM I EVEN THINKING ABOUT WORKING OUT?!?! Because I need to not lose myself. I need to take care of me, and a healthy mom is a happy(ier) mom. So wish me luck, cheer me on, and save me a truffle or two. Nothing finishes off a great burn like a Mrs. Cavanaughs mindy mint!